It's new year few hours from now! Here's Zynga's last update on FishVille for year 2009.
New Giveaways!
So far the updates are good. The free new year's fish include 2 Moorish Idol, 1 Parrotfish and 1 Orbiculate Batfish.
New Fishes
3 New fishes has been added. 2 of them costs sand dollars(as usual) and the other fish is unlocked at level 56. These fishes are Blackside Razorfish, Flame Hawkfish and Catfish.
New Plants
2 new plants has been added.
New Decorations
Some cool decorations has been released today! A new item called hibernator is also now available. What does it do? it slows down the growth time of your fishes meaning your fishes won't die.
Here are the other decorations.
And few more bridges has been released:
And the cool ones!
New Backgrounds:
4 new backgrounds has been released. 3 of them are can only be bought with sand dollars and the other one and I think the coolest amoung all regular backgrounds costs 3,000 coins.
New Gifts:
4 new gifts has been released and one of them is a fish.
Okay that's all the updates.
But there's a bug! I can't open my tank where I have there my high level fishes(including mylevel 43 mini dart goby). I hope they fix this bug soon because I don't want them to die!