Just like in a real aquirium, you need to feed your fish for them to grow. The only difference in FishVille is the unlimited fish foods. That means you don't have to buy fish foods to feed your fishes.
How to feed the fishes?
To feed your fishes, just click the feeding bottle or food icon at the lower right side of window.Next, click on the screen to drop fish foods.
Here's a video demonstrating how to feed your fishes.
When to feed the fishes?
Fishes need to fed once in a while. The fish feeding time depends on the type of fish that you have. Baby fishes needs to be fed at least twice while junior and adult fishes needs to be feed at least once every level. When you hover your mouse to a fish, it will displaythe time left before your fish reach the next hunger level.How do I know If my fishes are hungry?
The fishes will let you know that they're hungry by displaying food icons which indicates their hunger level. The yellow icon means that your fishes are hungry, the red icon means that they are starving and when the red icon is blinking, it means that your fish is dying and will die in a short time. Also, your fish will stop growing when the hunger level is in red icon. So you need to feed them or else they will die.You can also determine whether your fishes are hungry when the tank icon's border is red.
Can I Feed My Neighbors' Fishes?
No. You cannot feed your neighbors' fishes, for now at least. Who knows, Zynga might implement this feature.When will my fishes die?
The time your fishes will die is equal to the time they need to grow. For example, if you don't feed your Mini Dart Goby(takes 5 minutes to grow) from the moment you purchased it, it will die in 5 minutes.What happens when my fishes die?
When your fishes die, they will became color white and float. You will gain 1 exp per dead fish.As of December 18, 2009, you can now revive dead fishes in exchange to 1 sand dollar.