First, there's a new item called WFP Glitter Globe.
Cameroon is a poor country in West Africa with about 16 million inhabitants. Around 40 percent of the population live on less than one US dollar a day.New Fishes
This means that many people, especially in rural areas, are either hungry or at risk of hunger.
The northern part of Cameroon has suffered several food crises over the last 30 years. This is where WFP is running school meals programmes, providing nutritious porridge to poor children.
There are five fishes that has been added. A fan fish, 2 premium fishes, and 2 giftable fishes.
Here's the fan fish Blue Mandarin:
To unlock this new fish, you have to become a fan of FishVille Application on Facebook. To do that, visit the FishVille Fanpage and click Become a Fan.
The 2 new premium fishes Moorish Idol and Parrotfish:
And finally, the giftable fishes Pufferfish and Annularis Angelfish.
New Plants:
New Decorations
Regular Decorations:
Christmas Decorations:
New Gifts:
New Fish Reviving:
When you forgot to feed your fish and it died, you don't have to worry anymore! Because you just need 1 sand dollar and you can bring it back to life! (Not so realistic lol)
New Hunger Notification:
When you visit your neighbor and they have hungry fishes, you can now let them know by sending them a message.