Ok, so I thought Zynga left FishVille behind because they recently added awards on Cafe World and lost things in PetVille. But today, they added awards! They also added new backgrounds and decorations. Too bad most of the beautiful backgrounds costs sand dollars and I think that sand dollar earning is still bugged! And the worst thing they changed is the maximum number of fishes per tank!
Let's start with the bad news, this new update changed the maximum number of fishes a tank can hold. From 50 it is now decreased to 40!
The blue damsel and longnose butterfly's growth time had changed. They removed the decimals on fish growth times.Now, the good news!
New Backgrounds
6 new backgrounds namely: Snow Angel, Atlantis, Pirate Shipwreck, Snowman, Snowy House, Coral Step, and 2 gravels namely: Blue Snow and Blue Pebbles has been added.
New Decorations:
New Gifts:
New Plants:
Only two plants has been added.