Here's the latest about FishVille. The update was added about 9:00am GMT+8. The highlights of this update are the new fishes, tank discounts and the full screen mode.
Full Screen Mode
The most awaited Full Screen Mode has been implemented. But it is only on a 800x600 resolution so it doesn't look so good on monitors with higher resolutions.
4 new fishes has been added and 3 of them are premium and can only be bought with sand dollars. The fishes are Longnose Butterfly, Orbiculate Batfish, Blackfoot Lionfish, and Purple Firefish. Also, the Annularis Angelfish fish name has been changed to Flame Angelfish. >View the Fish List< >View the Real Fishes<
Here are the images of the new fishes: The Longnose Butterfly is unlocked at level 7.
4 new permanent gifts has been added. A mystery box, two wooden fences and a lobster creature. >View the Gift List< >View the Creature List<
The first wooden fence is unlocked at level 7 and the second is at level 9. The lobster creature on the other hand is unlocked at level 23.
The mystery box can be gifted at any level. And you can get random amount of coins or experience from it.
2 new premium backgrounds has been added.Snowy Gravel and Luminous Rocks grounds.
There will be a 20% discount when buying the second tank. There is also a new interface for buying tanks.