More updates this december! Okay, 5 new fishes has been added on FishVille namely Klunzinger Wrasse, Golden Puffer, Bluedot Jawfish, Blue Line Trigger, and Longhorn Cowfish.
Here are their images:
I don't have any information yet about the experience points, just stay tuned and I will update the Fish List as soon as possible.
Another update is moving items or fishes between tanks. That means you can now transfer plants, creatures, decorations or fishes from one tank to another.
To move items, just click your chosen item and on the lower right side of the window, choose Move.
To move fishes, just click on a fish and choose Move.
Notice that Zynga has removed the Nudge button and replaced it with the Move button.
Choose a tank and click move.
Other Changes:
Neighbor helping has changed.
a. +5 coins for every stain you remove(formerly +5 coins and +5 exp).
b. +50 coins +29 exp for every aquarium water you cool/warm(formerly +5 coins +5 exp)
Now, I need your help! If you know any information about the new fishes(ex. their exp points, sell coins) please tell me by writing your comments below. Thanks!